
BOTOX Injection FAQs

January 24, 2020

10 Popular Questions About BOTOX® Cosmetic & Wrinkles

BOTOX® injections, in the right hands, in the right amount, and with the right placement, has the ability to take years off a person’s face in a subtle way. The results should reflect what you looked like before the lines became more obvious marks in the skin.

But for many of us, the word “Botox” conjures up images of aging celebrities who have shown up in the media looking slightly strange, or not related to their younger self. In reality, these celebrities have not just dabbled with cosmetic injectables, they have gone overboard with a full spectrum of cosmetic surgery and aesthetic treatments. The moral of the story? Cosmetic injectables should not make your face unrecognizable.

After a number of patients asked whether our Surrey dental clinic would offer BOTOX® treatment, Dr. Himmat Bajwa became a certified injector through a BOTOX-endorsed training program in Vancouver.

Why do we get wrinkles?

We develop wrinkles for several reasons. Wrinkles mark the passing of time, reflect lifestyle choices, follow genetic patterns, and reveal how our face moves with reactions.

Our facial reactions create expression lines which show how you smile, worry, frown or look surprised. These are known as ‘dynamic wrinkles’ as they can appear and disappear with the movement. But over time expression lines leave a deeper line, crease, or furrow in our skin.

How do I remove or reduce wrinkles?

Cosmetic injectables have become known over the past two decades as a quick, non-invasive method to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Traditionally for cosmetic purposes, BOTOX® injections are used in the upper half of the face to reduce dynamic wrinkles such as:

  • Smile or laugh lines – around the mouth and eyes (also called ‘crow’s feet’)
  • Frown lines – between the eyebrows, known as glabella lines or ‘elevens’ (two vertical lines)
  • Forehead lines – above the eyebrows, appear with eyebrow movement (also called ‘surprise lines’)
  • Nose wrinkles – top of the nose, appear briefly when scrunching up

Dynamic wrinkles may be treated with BOTOX® Cosmetic, while static wrinkles cannot. These deeper, permanent creases on the face – such as the lines around your mouth – require dermal filler.

Note: BOTOX® injections are also applied to other areas of the face, although it is not currently approved for these purposes.

What is BOTOX Cosmetic exactly?

BOTOX® is a natural, purified protein that has both cosmetic and therapeutic applications. The protein is administered to specific areas of the face to temporarily relax wrinkle-causing muscles, creating a smooth and improved appearance. It’s a prescription medicine, and therefore should only be administered by a trained medical specialist.

How does BOTOX® smooth wrinkles?

BOTOX® treatment uses a very simple method: A few tiny injections of the purified protein into the muscle that causes the wrinkle reactions block the nerve impulses that triggers the contractions. This helps relax the selected muscles of the face. The treatment is not permanent, and eventually wears off.

How long does BOTOX® last?

Results may last for up to 4 months. The duration depends on the dose and your metabolism. Similarly, some people see results in as little as 2-3 days while others will take up to 7 days to see the difference.

Why should you choose your dentist to inject BOTOX® Cosmetic?

You may have noticed that more and more physicians – all types, from GPs to specialists – as well as registered nurses, are providing cosmetic injectable treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic. Over the past decade demand has grown so much for this treatment that a range of medical specialists beyond the traditional cosmetic dermatologist are able to offer it.

Dentists specialize in oral and maxillofacial areas (face, mouth, jaw & neck) more than any other practitioner, due to their extensive training in dental school. Injecting cranial nerves in sensitive areas of the face and jaw is part of their everyday routine. Dentists give high priority to facial proportions and movement – such as how the smile causes the rest of the face to react – and those that do cosmetic work in particular, have a trained artistic eye in facial improvements.

Many dentists already use therapeutic BOTOX® injections in the jawline for medical reasons in their practice, to alleviate tension headaches, jaw clenching and more. You can feel confident in having your dentist administer BOTOX® treatment thanks to their expansive knowledge of you and your facial muscles.

Can you use BOTOX® for frown lines?

Yes, BOTOX® Cosmetic improves frown lines between the eyebrows which can make you look worried or angry, even when you’re not!

Does BOTOX® work for wrinkles under the eyes?

BOTOX® is approved for smoothing wrinkles beside the eyes (crow’s feet), but not for wrinkles under the eyes. Little research has been done on its effectiveness or the side effects when applied under the eyes.

Does BOTOX® prevent wrinkles?

By preventing wrinkle-causing muscles from contracting, BOTOX® limits the deepening of lines over time. After repeated wrinkle-relaxing injections over a longer period, some patients report that fine wrinkles have diminished and no longer require treatment, or find that the results last longer between injections.

How many units of BOTOX® will I need for my wrinkles?

How many units is a popular question as people want to understand how much the treatment will cost. Each person’s case is highly unique: the location of the wrinkle(s), the characteristics of the wrinkle(s), what type of results are required, etc. It also depends on the skill of the injector. With a consultation, you’ll be informed of the number of units that you’ll need, and the associated cost, for your desired outcome.

See our BOTOX® treatment page for answers to other questions, including what to expect during treatment.

If you are interested in BOTOX® treatment, book a consultation with Dr. Bajwa. All patients require a consultation before treatment, during which Dr. Bajwa will review your medical history, allergies, questions; and develop a treatment plan.

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