Kids Dentist

We Love Seeing Kids Smile

As a parent himself, our dentist Dr. Bajwa identifies with and enjoys treating children. Our clinic’s goal is to help you and your child have a positive experience, so there is no need to worry about any future visits to the dentist.

Our team has a good understanding of the responses that different ages of kids may have about the dentist, so we have several techniques and tricks up our sleeves to help smaller patients feel at ease.

A Kid’s Dental Visit: What To Expect

We start with a welcoming environment, and friendly, empathetic, patient staff. When your child is seated in our treatment room, we provide comfort aids such as a warm blanket, pillow and a stuffed animal friend if needed.

Besides being comfortable, a kid’s dental visit should be fun. Our Surrey clinic has kid-friendly sunglasses, headphones and entertainment like iPad games, music and Netflix to help the time spent in the chair go by quickly. Kids Dental Resources on our website will also help you and your child prep for your visit.

And what’s a trip to a kids’ dentist without a little reward at the end? A new toothbrush and a stop at our kids’ corner for stickers or other goodies almost always gets smiles.

If your child suffers from fear and anxiety at the dentist, or has a hard time sitting still for procedures, we are one of only a few Surrey dentists to offer sedation dentistry for kids ages six and older. Dr. Bajwa is trained in the safe and effective use of nitrous oxide (‘laughing gas’) for young patients. For patients ages 12 and older, he offers conscious oral sedation (prescription pill) and/or nitrous oxide inhalation.

We want your kid’s visit to the dentist to be a success! Give us a call if you have any concerns that you may want to discuss prior to the appointment.

Common Questions

How should we prepare for my kid’s first trip to the dentist?


First of all, don’t worry – especially if you (the parent) are not fond of trips to the dentist. Many kids will pick up on these signals and emotions of fear and anxiety, and it will make the visit (and possibly future ones) more difficult.

Second of all, do some ‘research’ in advance with your child. See our resources for materials to read or watch with your kids about going to the dentist.

When does my child need to see a pediatric dentist?


While pediatric dentists have extra training beyond dental school, all dentists receive training in pediatric dentistry. If your child has a rare or complicated condition that requires specialized treatment or may require deeper sedation, then it’s a good idea to seek a referral to a specialized pediatric dentist. Otherwise a family dentist should be a good fit for your child’s needs.

When should my child start using fluoridated toothpaste?


The standard is usually age three around the time when a child is able to spit, and not swallow, toothpaste. We recommend consulting a health professional to determine whether your baby or toddler is at risk of developing tooth decay and needs a minimal amount of fluoridated toothpaste. For children from age three to six, only a small amount (a portion the size of a green pea) of fluoridated toothpaste should be used.

  • “Smile. It’s the boldest statement you can make without saying a word.”


    Roughly 60% of children from age 5-17 are affected by dental decay, a disease caused by bacterial infection and one of the most common childhood disorders.

    –Canadian Dental Association
  • Our vision is to provide the highest standard of dental care possible, while being an integral member of our community with lifelong involvement and outreach.

    –Sullivan Heights Dental

    Only 28% of people floss five times per week.

    –Canadian Dental Association
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