
visiting the dentist for kids

Visiting the Dentist for Kids

June 22, 2024

Going to the dentist for the first time can be an exciting adventure for young children, especially when they’re prepared with what to expect.

Dentists recommend that children have their first dental checkup by their first birthday or within 6 months after their first tooth appears in order to prevent tooth decay. This early visit helps establish good oral health habits from the start.

Take a tour of our family dental practice in Surrey, BC, with Dr. Bajwa’s daughter. She’ll show you around and highlight her favourite parts! Even though this video was created several years ago, the experience remains the same.

What to Expect at the Office

When you arrive, you’ll see a waiting room with things in it to help you feel comfortable. The friendly staff will greet you and your parent with warm smiles.

During your visit, you’ll get to sit in a special chair that can move up and down. The dentist will count your teeth using a small mirror and may gently clean them with a soft toothbrush. They’ll also check your gums and jaw to make sure everything is healthy.

The dentist might take pictures of your teeth called X-rays, but only if needed. These help the dentist see parts of your teeth they can’t see just by looking in your mouth.

Your dentist will show you and your parents how to properly brush and floss your teeth at home. They may also talk about healthy foods that are good for your teeth.

Remember, the dentist is there to help keep your smile bright and healthy. They’ll answer any questions you have and make sure you feel comfortable throughout your visit.

Going to the dentist regularly, usually every 6 months, helps prevent problems and keeps your teeth strong. Read the Canadian government guidelines for oral health care for children.

If you have any questions about visiting the dentist with your young child, please contact us!

  • Kids
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    • “Smile. It’s the boldest statement you can make without saying a word.”


      Roughly 60% of children from age 5-17 are affected by dental decay, a disease caused by bacterial infection and one of the most common childhood disorders.

      –Canadian Dental Association
    • Our vision is to provide the highest standard of dental care possible, while being an integral member of our community with lifelong involvement and outreach.

      –Sullivan Heights Dental

      Only 28% of people floss five times per week.

      –Canadian Dental Association
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